Friday, April 12, 2013

"Awesome City" & Slime

As I was just typing that title, I realized how thankful I am that those two things did not meet.

Awesome City was our Lego City creation. The boys had started it with their mom before I arrived and we continued it for another couple of hours. Usually we don't do something for that long but the boys weren't fighting, getting along REALLY well, and not going nuts... so I went with it and we played until they started bickering (which was for a good 2 1/2 hours)!

Like I said, I'm really glad that the boy's didn't think to have the slime over taking the city or anything, I cringe at the thought of the mess this could have potentially created.

This SLIME is another one of my favorite's because it is SOOOO easy to make, entertains the kids for a decent amount of time, and clean up really isn't too bad.

-Liquid Starch (found at Walmart)
-Glue (regular white or clear works- changes how the slime looks [clear or solid] but the consistency is the same)- I used 16oz bottle's this time
-Food Coloring
-Table Cloth- i usually use just to help with clean up, but didn't feel like it this time.

  • In a bowl pour our all of the glue. I used two different bowls- one for each boy which also ended up being one of each color since they wanted theirs different.
  • They then added some food coloring to each bowl. We used quite a bit to end up with a more vibrant color. Using a plastic utensil we mixed the color into the glue
  • Slowly pour some liquid starch into the colored glue mixture. This is when I started using my hands to mix it, keep pouring the liquid starch (about 1 tablespoon at a time) into the mixture until the slime is no longer sticky. It should not have a much slimier consistency and not so sticky and messy.
At first, the boys were totally not into it because it was SO slimy from the starch but as soon as one started playing with it, the other joined in. After playing with it for a while it ended up not so slimy but more like gak. They LOVED making it make farting noises into a cup. We ended up saving the slime in sandwich bags where I poured 1/2 a tablespoon of the liquid starch in for safe keeping to keep it moist.

Sidenote- it didn't stain the table at all but did stain our hands a little bit. I'm not sure what glue and liquid starch does to clothes in the long run, BUT I do know it's not fun to get out! The first time I did this was with younger kids and got all over their clothing, K & T didn't have this problem. For clean up I just used some bleach wipes for the area we played in and peeled off the residue from the bowls, I soaked what was left on the bowls in some soapy water for a few minutes and it cleaned right off!

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